Our Story
We're on a mission to bring sake to the masses.
We know if you try it you'll love it, and if you've already tried it you'll see it in a whole new light.
Here's how it all began!

We’re Ali and Ed, two childhood mates from south London. Throughout our early careers (Ali in design and innovation, Ed in commodities trading), we always enjoyed a catch-up with a mutual strongly held love for drinks and cocktails from around the world. Invariably these sessions would end in late night experimentations with our own recipes…

Fast forward a decade and after several years of meticulous planning and saving we found our way to Japan to follow England around during the Rugby World Cup. We fell in love with the country, the culture and especially late night gyoza and sake in Tokyo’s Izakaya.

Back in London, the experimenting turned to sake, and unbeknownst to us, four years of development was about to begin. Only one problem - the sake in London was about four times the price of the sake we had been enjoying in Japan...

Several years of concerted conversations later and the time was right. Ed had two young kids at home, and Ali's retail business was growing quickly - what better time to take the dive into the world of sake brewing! We spent the next year turning our decades of experimentation and homemade brews into a first batch of 14,440 cans of ready to drink sake spritzes that are a cut above the rest. Next step...get them into your hands!